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How to lose weight

페이지 정보

작성자 XRumer23Crync (185.♡.183.83) 댓글 0건 조회 6회 작성일 24-05-24 16:34


How to lose weight ?The girl didn’t understand the words about the “extra sugar.” What difference does it make if the food is delicious? The man was silently devouring the omelet and imagining something more delicious. After the meal, everyone went about their business, to school or work. Tatyana was, apparently, the happiest of all, which could not be said about her loved ones. A couple of hours later at the machine, Pavel was already hungry, the vegetables and eggs couldn’t fill his large stomach. From hunger, the toes were clenching, the head was pulsating and the mind was clouding. I had to go to lunch urgently: — Guys, I’m going to the canteen! My wife decided to lose weight, so she subjected all of us to this torture. I ate this grass, but what’s the point if I’m still hungry? — Well, Petrovich, hang in there! Then you’ll all be athletes. Just don’t even mention it to my Marinki, or she’ll put me on a hunger strike too. Mikhalych, Pavel’s colleague and a just a good guy, only laughed at his statements, not even realizing the seriousness of the matter. At this time, the male representative was standing at the dessert counter. There was everything there! And the potato cake especially attracted his gaze, it was beckoning him. Without delay, Pavel addressed the canteen lady: — Give me five cakes… No, wait. I won’t take them.